The first barbed wire appeared somewhere in the middle of the nineteenth century. Who exactly came up with the design of barbed wire is no longer possible to find out, but the first patents for barbed wire were obtained in the United States of America. Various designs were proposed, which, however, differed only in the design of the spikes, but the essence remained the same - a wire with spikes. It was one of the most efficient and technologically advanced designs proposed by a certain Joseph Glidden - barbed wire of this type has been produced and used in different countries for a long time.
Barbed wire was invented for completely peaceful purposes - cheap and reliable fences were made from it in cattle pens, but such an invention could not pass by the attention of the army, and barbed wire began to be used in hostilities. The peak of barbed wire's popularity came in the First World War, when endless barriers were created from barbed wire. In the same period, the development of effective designs of barbed wire fences was intensively carried out, one of these designs was the Bruno spiral - a three-dimensional concertina barrier made of barbed wire.
For many years, the design of barbed wire was unchanged; barbed wire was widely used to create fences around military and civilian facilities, on the borders of states, etc. The appearance of heavy armored vehicles reduced the role of barbed wire barriers https://egoza.ua/en, however, they were also intensively used during the Second World War. It was then that a cheap and technologically advanced, albeit less effective, substitute for barbed wire was proposed - barbed razor tape, which was cheaply and quickly made by stamping.
Modern developments in the design of barbed wire and barbed wire fences are based on previously known inventions. One of the improved options for barbed wire was the reinforced barbed twisted tape, also known as Egoza - a barbed razor tape wrapped around a strong steel wire. Its effectiveness was higher than that of ordinary barbed wire or barbed tape, but still insufficient - the wound barbed tape could be cut and separated from the warp.
The most perfect design of modern barbed wire, also called Egoza, is the reinforced razor tape, which, unlike reinforced barbed twisted tape, is made not by twisting the tape, but by pressing it around a high-carbon steel wire. This design is almost monolithic, which makes it impossible to cut or bite it with a ordinary hand tool. To protect against the influence of atmospheric factors that cause corrosion, modern Egoza razor wire is zinc coated, which allows it to serve effectively for a quarter of a century.
In order to increase the effectiveness of Egoza razor wire, spiral barriers are made from it, which are even more reliable than a single reinforced barbed tape. As in the times of the First World War, the same principle of Bruno's spiral is used in concertina wire barriers - this makes it possible to create almost impenetrable barriers from Egoza barbed wire.